Sunday, April 16, 2006

If I had known people were reading this.....

I really didn't think anyone was reading this (yet). I hadn't given the link out to anyone, but it shows up in my blogger profile info. HF stopped by (yay!) which makes me happy, because I think she is a kick-ass knitter, and she is proof to me that the internet makes the world a smaller place (I don't know her, but I know someone that knows someone that knows her).

I feel bad, though, because I haven't been writing anything. I have been knitting, though! I will upload pictures pretty soon, so you can see what I've been working on. I finished a sweater for the kidlet, and I finished my ski hat (which was WONDERFUL on our trip to Keystone, CO), and I'm 1/4 on baby blankets. That's not 1/4 of the way done with a baby blanket, that's I have 1 blanket done out of 4 that I'm working on. Don't any of my friends/relatives (who don't know each other) know they need to space the babies out if they want me to make blankets???


Blogger heatherfeather said...

(just so you know, i also know someone who knows you)

doesn't knitting blankets take just forever? i admire you for that! i get bored wayyyyy too easily...

i'd wind up knitting many belts.

7:42 PM  
Blogger Lisa said...

Yeah, how do you know him? Was it through the someone that I know that knows the someone that you know??

He threw gum in my hair in 8th grade (but he apologized at our 10 year reunion). I could tell you some good stories ;)

2:03 PM  
Blogger heatherfeather said...

actually, not quite... it's through someone who knows someone who knows someone. i may have done that backward, but i'm sleeeeepy, and it's a tough call... anyhow, blog, then email, then phone, then we hung out in s.d. a few days after christmas. we hung out once on a date that was a few days after christmas, not for a few days. and not a date.

i feel like i should stop explaining. because we hung out, got a few drinks, got dinner, and i got lost going home.

10:12 PM  
Blogger Lisa said...

Which is funny, because through someone, I started reading this blog, which I thought was the first place I heard about him. But maybe not -- I just went back and don't find him on her links.

It gets pretty confusing sometimes... One thing that is hilarious -- I started reading Dooce recently because of the links on her blog, but it seems like EVERYONE has links to Dooce now -- one of those you don't see it until you see it, and then it is everywhere!

10:46 PM  

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