Orion's Pinwheel Blanket (AKA 1/4 Baby Blanket)

When did you start? March 20th
When did you finish this? April 16th
What is it? Pinwheel Blanket from Knitlist
What needles did you use? Size 9, starting with DPN and moving to 16" circs, then 32" circs, and finally 60" circs
What kind of yarn is that? Bernat Baby Coordinates in Aqua/Pink, with Bernat Soft Boucle in Clue Shades
Who's it for? Orion -- the baby son of Cheryl from my knitting group. I saw him today, and he is adorable!
Anything else? I wanted to post this earlier, but on the off chance that Cheryl has time to be on the web, and that she would somehow find this site, I didn't post it until I gave it to her! This yarn was easy to work with, and it worked up pretty fast.....but 550 stitches to bind off is not that much fun, especially when you're using a new castoff techinique which involves knitting two stitches, slipping them back to the left needle, knitting them together, then knitting the next stitch (then repeating the process 549 more times) Still, I like the way it turned out.
maaaaaaaaaajor props for finishing this.
this is the only project i took straight off the needles and deposited directly into the garbage.
there would be no saving of the yarn for another project. it's in a landfill somewhere...
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