Saturday, April 22, 2006

12*15 + 8 = 188 Bobbles

After reading heatherfeather's comments on my Bobbles post, I started to think; what is it that I really dislike about bobbles? Inidividually, they're not that bad. You just do the following (from the bottom up):

Next Row....
Row 5......../\.....slip 1, K2tog, PSSO
Row 4......./\....P2tog, P1, P2tog
Row 3...........K5
Row 2......\\o//....P1, (P1, YO, P1) in the next st, P1
Row 1........\o/.....(K1, YO, K1) in the next st
Base Row....

Yes, there's a lot of turning of the work, but even that's not so bad. Then it hit me -- it was the NUMBER of bobbles! I made this blanket for the kidlet, and it had 8 bobbles in one row, then the next time, there were 7 bobbles in one row. I repeated this 12 times, plus the 8 bobble row once more, so there are 12x15 = 180+8 = 188 bobbles on this blanket.

It's enough to make anyone dislike bobbles!


Blogger heatherfeather said...

that does seem like an excessive amount of bobbles

1:17 PM  

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