Sunday, April 30, 2006

Payton's Homespun Diagonal Blanket (Baby Blanket 2/4)

When did you start? ???
When did you finish this? April 23rd-ish
What is it? Diagonal Baby Blanket from
What needles did you use? Size 13, starting with Straights, then moving to circulars.
What kind of yarn is that? Lionbrand Homespun, Quartz (3 Skeins)
Who's it for? Payton, the Baby Daughter of my cousin Taylor

Anything else? This blanket is very easy, but towards the middle, it was monotonous. Gage is not really crucial -- I used size 13 needles instead of Size 11, and I increased until I was about halfway through the 2nd skein.

I'm not sure how well it will hold its shape (I've heard homespun sometimes has issues because it is so heavy) I love the way the colors stripe in the blanket, and the fact that it's worked on the diagonal makes it look fancy. I can confirm that I don't like plastic needles -- they just don't have the right balance.

I'm done with more than half of my baby blankets!!!

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Someone Buy my House....PLEASE!

That's all I have to say!

Update: Someone came and looked at our house on Friday. We were told that she loved it, and that she wanted to bring her husband by on Saturday, but the offer was pretty much written. Saturday phone call. Sunday phone call. Our agent calls their agent, and apparently he has been trying to get in touch with them since Saturday morning, without success.

It figures - we find a buyer for the house, and they fall off the face of the earth..............

Saturday, April 22, 2006

12*15 + 8 = 188 Bobbles

After reading heatherfeather's comments on my Bobbles post, I started to think; what is it that I really dislike about bobbles? Inidividually, they're not that bad. You just do the following (from the bottom up):

Next Row....
Row 5......../\.....slip 1, K2tog, PSSO
Row 4......./\....P2tog, P1, P2tog
Row 3...........K5
Row 2......\\o//....P1, (P1, YO, P1) in the next st, P1
Row 1........\o/.....(K1, YO, K1) in the next st
Base Row....

Yes, there's a lot of turning of the work, but even that's not so bad. Then it hit me -- it was the NUMBER of bobbles! I made this blanket for the kidlet, and it had 8 bobbles in one row, then the next time, there were 7 bobbles in one row. I repeated this 12 times, plus the 8 bobble row once more, so there are 12x15 = 180+8 = 188 bobbles on this blanket.

It's enough to make anyone dislike bobbles!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

I don't like David Caruso.....

This has been swimming around in my head since Monday night.....

I admit it - I am addicted to CSI: Miami. I have never really gotten into any of the other CSI shows, but I started watching CSI: Miami, and now I can't stop. The funny thing, is I don't even like David Caruso - he kind of makes me want to puke. He's the main character, so you would think if I watch the show, I must like him, but I don't.

I do like Emily Proctor. I've been impressed with her ever since she played Ainsley Hayes on The West Wing. I think that's what initially drew me to CSI: Miami, and seeing as how there is nothing else on TV on Monday nights, I stayed there.

I've tried to stop watching that show - the episodes just get more farfetched.......but I can't. It's a little like a train wreck..............

Orion's Pinwheel Blanket (AKA 1/4 Baby Blanket)

When did you start? March 20th
When did you finish this? April 16th
What is it? Pinwheel Blanket from Knitlist
What needles did you use? Size 9, starting with DPN and moving to 16" circs, then 32" circs, and finally 60" circs
What kind of yarn is that? Bernat Baby Coordinates in Aqua/Pink, with Bernat Soft Boucle in Clue Shades
Who's it for? Orion -- the baby son of Cheryl from my knitting group. I saw him today, and he is adorable!

Anything else? I wanted to post this earlier, but on the off chance that Cheryl has time to be on the web, and that she would somehow find this site, I didn't post it until I gave it to her! This yarn was easy to work with, and it worked up pretty fast.....but 550 stitches to bind off is not that much fun, especially when you're using a new castoff techinique which involves knitting two stitches, slipping them back to the left needle, knitting them together, then knitting the next stitch (then repeating the process 549 more times) Still, I like the way it turned out.

Monday, April 17, 2006

FO #5 - Placket Neck Sweater

What is it? Child's Placket Necked Sweater from Last Minute Knitted Gifts
What needles did you use? Addi Turbos, Size 7, and Bamboo DPNs for the sleeves
What kind of yarn is that? Cascade Cherub Collection Aran
Who's it for? The cutest little girl in the world!

Anything else? This was my first sweater, and I'm glad I started small! I'm not great with the double pointed needles - I can see the gaps at the transitions, and I don't know how to fix that. I've read to pull the first couple stitches extra tight, but I can still see the gap!

FO #4 - The Coronet Hat

When did you start? ???
When did you finish this? Sometime before March 9th 2006

What is it? Coronet from Knitty
What needles did you use? Size 8 DPN for the cable, Size 9 plastic circs and bamboo DPN for the main hat
What kind of yarn is that? Lamb's Pride Worsted in a beautiful color that I can't find the label for just now
Who's it for? ME ME ME!!!

Anything else? This is my new snowboarding hat! It rocks! I wore it on our Keystone trip, along with these (which I also made out of Lamb's Pride), and they kept me so warm! I got to use my new picking up stitches skill, which I'm very proud of.

The hat looks better on me, but I couldn't resist the model!

Sunday, April 16, 2006

If I had known people were reading this.....

I really didn't think anyone was reading this (yet). I hadn't given the link out to anyone, but it shows up in my blogger profile info. HF stopped by (yay!) which makes me happy, because I think she is a kick-ass knitter, and she is proof to me that the internet makes the world a smaller place (I don't know her, but I know someone that knows someone that knows her).

I feel bad, though, because I haven't been writing anything. I have been knitting, though! I will upload pictures pretty soon, so you can see what I've been working on. I finished a sweater for the kidlet, and I finished my ski hat (which was WONDERFUL on our trip to Keystone, CO), and I'm 1/4 on baby blankets. That's not 1/4 of the way done with a baby blanket, that's I have 1 blanket done out of 4 that I'm working on. Don't any of my friends/relatives (who don't know each other) know they need to space the babies out if they want me to make blankets???